Package-level declarations


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List containing annotation declarations.

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List containing argument declarations.

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List containing class declarations associated with types.

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List containing constructor declarations.

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List of containing declarations for each declaration in the list.

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List of containing files for each declaration in the list.

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List containing enum constant declarations.

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List containing external type declarations associated with types.

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List containing getter declarations.

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List containing import alias declarations associated with types.

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List containing import declarations.

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List containing init block declarations.

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List containing interface declarations associated with types.

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List containing KDoc declarations.

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List containing kotlin type declarations associated with types.

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List containing local class declarations.

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List containing local declarations.

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List containing local function declarations.

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List containing object declarations associated with types.

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List containing package declarations.

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Gets the list of parameters for the function declarations in the list.

List containing parameter declarations.

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Gets the list of parameter types for the function declarations in the list.

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List containing direct parent classes.

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List containing primary constructor declarations.

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List containing receiver type declarations.

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Gets the list of return types for the function declarations in the list.

List containing return type declarations.

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List containing secondary constructor declarations.

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List containing setter declarations.

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List containing type alias declarations associated with types.

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List containing type alias declarations.

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Returns a list containing type argument declarations.

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List containing type parameter declarations.

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List containing upper bound declarations.

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List containing variable declarations.


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fun <T : KoChildProvider> List<T>.children(indirectChildren: Boolean = false): List<KoChildDeclaration>

List containing child declarations.

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List containing class, interface and object declarations associated with declarations.

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List containing class and interface declarations associated with declarations.

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List containing class and object declarations associated with declarations.

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List containing class declarations associated with declarations.

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fun <T : KoClassProvider> List<T>.classes(includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true): List<KoClassDeclaration>

List containing class declarations.

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List containing class or/and interface declarations.

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List containing class, interface or/and object declarations.

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fun <T : KoClassAndObjectProvider> List<T>.classesAndObjects(includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true): List<KoClassAndObjectDeclaration>

List containing class or/and object declarations.

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fun <T : KoDeclarationProvider> List<T>.declarations(includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true): List<KoBaseDeclaration>

List containing declarations of all types.

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List containing external declarations associated with declarations.

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List containing external parent declarations. The external parent is a parent defined outside the project codebase (defined inside external library).

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fun <T : KoFunctionProvider> List<T>.functions(includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true): List<KoFunctionDeclaration>

List containing function declarations.

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List containing import alias declarations associated with declarations.

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inline fun <T : Any> List<*>.indexOfFirstInstance(): Int

Returns the index of the first occurrence of an declaration of type T in the list, or -1 if the list does not contain any declarations of that type. non-null subtype of Any.

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inline fun <T : Any> List<*>.indexOfLastInstance(): Int

Returns the index of the last occurrence of an declaration of type T in the list, or -1 if the list does not contain any declarations of that type.

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List containing interface and object declarations associated with declarations.

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List containing interface declarations associated with declarations.

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List containing interface declarations.

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List containing interface or/and object declarations.

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fun List<KoNameProvider>.isSortedByName(ascending: Boolean = true, ignoreCase: Boolean = true): Boolean

Extension function to check if a collection of KoNameProvider is sorted by name.

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List containing Kotlin basic type declarations associated with declarations.

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List containing Kotlin collection type declarations associated with declarations.

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List containing Kotlin type declarations associated with declarations.

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List containing object declarations associated with declarations.

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fun <T : KoObjectProvider> List<T>.objects(includeNested: Boolean = true): List<KoObjectDeclaration>

List containing object declarations.

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List containing parent classes.

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List containing parent interfaces.

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fun <T : KoParentProvider> List<T>.parents(indirectParents: Boolean = false): List<KoParentDeclaration>

List containing parent declarations.

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fun <T : KoBaseProvider> List<T>.print(prefix: String? = null, predicate: (T) -> String? = null): List<T>

Print the declarations.

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List containing property declarations.

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List containing source declarations associated with types.

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fun <T : KoTestClassProvider> List<T>.testClasses(testPropertyName: String = "sut", moduleName: String? = null, sourceSetName: String? = null): List<KoBaseDeclaration>

List containing test classes.

fun <T : KoTestClassProvider> List<T>.testClasses(moduleName: String? = null, sourceSetName: String? = null, predicate: (KoClassDeclaration) -> Boolean): List<KoBaseDeclaration>

List containing test classes matching the predicate.

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List containing type alias declarations associated with declarations.

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List containing type parameter declarations associated with declarations.

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fun <T : KoPathProvider> List<T>.withAbsolutePath(path: String, vararg paths: String): List<T>

List containing declarations with absolute path.

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fun <T : KoAliasProvider> List<T>.withAlias(predicate: (KoImportAliasDeclaration) -> Boolean? = null): List<T>

List containing declarations with the specified import alias.

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List containing declarations that have all annotations satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations that have all specified annotations.

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fun <T : KoAnnotationProvider> List<T>.withAllAnnotationsOf(kClass: KClass<*>, vararg kClasses: KClass<*>): List<T>

List containing declarations that have all annotations of the specified KClass type.

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List containing declarations that have all arguments satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations that have all specified arguments.

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fun <T : KoChildProvider> List<T>.withAllChildren(indirectChildren: Boolean = false, predicate: (KoChildDeclaration) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations that have all children satisfying the provided predicate.

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fun <T : KoChildProvider> List<T>.withAllChildrenNamed(names: Collection<String>, indirectChildren: Boolean = false): List<T>
fun <T : KoChildProvider> List<T>.withAllChildrenNamed(name: String, vararg names: String, indirectChildren: Boolean = false): List<T>

List containing declarations that have all specified children.

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fun <T : KoChildProvider> List<T>.withAllChildrenOf(kClasses: Collection<KClass<*>>, indirectChildren: Boolean = false): List<T>
fun <T : KoChildProvider> List<T>.withAllChildrenOf(kClass: KClass<*>, vararg kClasses: KClass<*>, indirectChildren: Boolean = false): List<T>

List containing declarations that have all children of the specified KClass type.

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fun <T : KoClassProvider> List<T>.withAllClasses(includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true, predicate: (KoClassDeclaration) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations that have all classes satisfying the provided predicate.

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fun <T : KoClassAndInterfaceProvider> List<T>.withAllClassesAndInterfaces(includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true, predicate: (KoClassAndInterfaceDeclaration) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations that have all classes and interfaces satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations that have all classes, interfaces and objects satisfying the provided predicate.

fun <T : KoClassAndInterfaceAndObjectProvider> List<T>.withAllClassesAndInterfacesAndObjectsNamed(name: String, vararg names: String, includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true): List<T>

List containing declarations that have all specified classes, interfaces and objects.

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fun <T : KoClassAndInterfaceProvider> List<T>.withAllClassesAndInterfacesNamed(names: Collection<String>, includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true): List<T>
fun <T : KoClassAndInterfaceProvider> List<T>.withAllClassesAndInterfacesNamed(name: String, vararg names: String, includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true): List<T>

List containing declarations that have all specified classes and interfaces.

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fun <T : KoClassAndObjectProvider> List<T>.withAllClassesAndObjects(includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true, predicate: (KoClassAndObjectDeclaration) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations that have all classes and objects satisfying the provided predicate.

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fun <T : KoClassAndObjectProvider> List<T>.withAllClassesAndObjectsNamed(names: Collection<String>, includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true): List<T>
fun <T : KoClassAndObjectProvider> List<T>.withAllClassesAndObjectsNamed(name: String, vararg names: String, includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true): List<T>

List containing declarations that have all specified classes and objects.

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fun <T : KoClassProvider> List<T>.withAllClassesNamed(names: Collection<String>, includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true): List<T>
fun <T : KoClassProvider> List<T>.withAllClassesNamed(name: String, vararg names: String, includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true): List<T>

List containing declarations that have all specified classes.

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List containing declarations whose all constructors match the given predicate.

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fun <T : KoDeclarationProvider> List<T>.withAllDeclarations(includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true, predicate: (KoBaseDeclaration) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations that have all declarations satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations that have all enum constants satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations that have all specified enum constants.

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fun <T : KoExternalParentProvider> List<T>.withAllExternalParents(indirectParents: Boolean = false, predicate: (KoParentDeclaration) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations that have all external parents satisfying the provided predicate. The external parent is a parent defined outside the project codebase (defined inside external library).

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fun <T : KoExternalParentProvider> List<T>.withAllExternalParentsNamed(name: String, vararg names: String, indirectParents: Boolean = false): List<T>

List containing declarations that have all specified external parents. The external parent is a parent defined outside the project codebase (defined inside external library).

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fun <T : KoExternalParentProvider> List<T>.withAllExternalParentsOf(kClasses: Collection<KClass<*>>, indirectParents: Boolean = false): List<T>
fun <T : KoExternalParentProvider> List<T>.withAllExternalParentsOf(kClass: KClass<*>, vararg kClasses: KClass<*>, indirectParents: Boolean = false): List<T>

List containing declarations that have all external parents of the specified KClass type. The external parent is a parent defined outside the project codebase (defined inside external library).

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fun <T : KoFunctionProvider> List<T>.withAllFunctions(includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true, predicate: (KoFunctionDeclaration) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations that have all functions satisfying the provided predicate.

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fun <T : KoFunctionProvider> List<T>.withAllFunctionsNamed(names: Collection<String>, includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true): List<T>
fun <T : KoFunctionProvider> List<T>.withAllFunctionsNamed(name: String, vararg names: String, includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true): List<T>

List containing declarations that have all specified functions.

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List containing declarations that have all import aliases satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations that have all specified import aliases.

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List containing declarations that have all imports satisfying the provided predicate.

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fun <T : KoImportProvider> List<T>.withAllImportsNamed(name: String, vararg names: String): List<T>

List containing declarations that have all specified imports.

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List containing declarations that have all init blocks satisfying the provided predicate.

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fun <T : KoInterfaceProvider> List<T>.withAllInterfaces(includeNested: Boolean = true, predicate: (KoInterfaceDeclaration) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations that have all interfaces satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations that have all interfaces and objects satisfying the provided predicate.

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fun <T : KoInterfaceAndObjectProvider> List<T>.withAllInterfacesAndObjectsNamed(name: String, vararg names: String, includeNested: Boolean = true): List<T>

List containing declarations that have all specified interfaces and objects.

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fun <T : KoInterfaceProvider> List<T>.withAllInterfacesNamed(names: Collection<String>, includeNested: Boolean = true): List<T>
fun <T : KoInterfaceProvider> List<T>.withAllInterfacesNamed(name: String, vararg names: String, includeNested: Boolean = true): List<T>

List containing declarations that have all specified interfaces.

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List containing declarations that have all local classes satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations that have all specified local classes.

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List containing declarations that have all local declarations satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations that have all local functions satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations that have all specified local functions.

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fun <T : KoObjectProvider> List<T>.withAllObjects(includeNested: Boolean = true, predicate: (KoObjectDeclaration) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations that have all objects satisfying the provided predicate.

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fun <T : KoObjectProvider> List<T>.withAllObjectsNamed(names: Collection<String>, includeNested: Boolean = true): List<T>
fun <T : KoObjectProvider> List<T>.withAllObjectsNamed(name: String, vararg names: String, includeNested: Boolean = true): List<T>

List containing declarations that have all specified objects.

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Filters the list by requiring that all parameters match the given predicate.

List containing declarations that have all parameters satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations that have all specified parameters.

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Filters the list by requiring that all parameter types match the given predicate.

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fun <T : KoParentClassProvider> List<T>.withAllParentClasses(indirectParents: Boolean = false, predicate: (KoParentDeclaration) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations that have all parent classes satisfying the provided predicate.

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fun <T : KoParentClassProvider> List<T>.withAllParentClassesNamed(names: Collection<String>, indirectParents: Boolean = false): List<T>
fun <T : KoParentClassProvider> List<T>.withAllParentClassesNamed(name: String, vararg names: String, indirectParents: Boolean = false): List<T>

List containing declarations that have all specified parent classes.

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fun <T : KoParentClassProvider> List<T>.withAllParentClassesOf(kClasses: Collection<KClass<*>>, indirectParents: Boolean = false): List<T>
fun <T : KoParentClassProvider> List<T>.withAllParentClassesOf(kClass: KClass<*>, vararg kClasses: KClass<*>, indirectParents: Boolean = false): List<T>

List containing declarations that have all parent classes of the specified KClass type.

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fun <T : KoParentInterfaceProvider> List<T>.withAllParentInterfaces(indirectParents: Boolean = false, predicate: (KoParentDeclaration) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations that have all parent interfaces satisfying the provided predicate.

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fun <T : KoParentInterfaceProvider> List<T>.withAllParentInterfacesNamed(name: String, vararg names: String, indirectParents: Boolean = false): List<T>

List containing declarations that have all specified parent interfaces.

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fun <T : KoParentInterfaceProvider> List<T>.withAllParentInterfacesOf(kClasses: Collection<KClass<*>>, indirectParents: Boolean = false): List<T>
fun <T : KoParentInterfaceProvider> List<T>.withAllParentInterfacesOf(kClass: KClass<*>, vararg kClasses: KClass<*>, indirectParents: Boolean = false): List<T>

List containing declarations that have all parent interfaces of the specified KClass type.

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fun <T : KoParentProvider> List<T>.withAllParents(indirectParents: Boolean = false, predicate: (KoParentDeclaration) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations that have all parents satisfying the provided predicate.

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fun <T : KoParentProvider> List<T>.withAllParentsNamed(names: Collection<String>, indirectParents: Boolean = false): List<T>
fun <T : KoParentProvider> List<T>.withAllParentsNamed(name: String, vararg names: String, indirectParents: Boolean = false): List<T>

List containing declarations that have all specified parents.

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fun <T : KoParentProvider> List<T>.withAllParentsOf(kClasses: Collection<KClass<*>>, indirectParents: Boolean = false): List<T>
fun <T : KoParentProvider> List<T>.withAllParentsOf(kClass: KClass<*>, vararg kClasses: KClass<*>, indirectParents: Boolean = false): List<T>

List containing declarations that have all parents of the specified KClass type.

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fun <T : KoPropertyProvider> List<T>.withAllProperties(includeNested: Boolean = true, predicate: (KoPropertyDeclaration) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations that have all properties satisfying the provided predicate.

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fun <T : KoPropertyProvider> List<T>.withAllPropertiesNamed(names: Collection<String>, includeNested: Boolean = true): List<T>
fun <T : KoPropertyProvider> List<T>.withAllPropertiesNamed(name: String, vararg names: String, includeNested: Boolean = true): List<T>

List containing declarations that have all specified properties.

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List containing declarations that have all secondary constructors satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations that have all type aliases satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations that have all specified type aliases.

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List containing declarations that have all type arguments satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations that have all specified type arguments.

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List containing declarations that have all type parameters satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations that have all specified type parameters.

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List containing declarations that have all upper bounds satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations that have all specified upper bounds.

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List containing declarations that have all variables satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations that have all specified variables.

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List containing declarations that have at least one annotation satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations that have at least one annotation with the specified name(s).

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fun <T : KoAnnotationProvider> List<T>.withAnnotationOf(kClass: KClass<*>, vararg kClasses: KClass<*>): List<T>

List containing declarations that have at least one annotation of the specified KClass type.

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List containing declarations with any annotation.

List containing declarations with annotation declarations satisfying the predicate.

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List containing declarations that have at least one argument satisfying the provided predicate.

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fun <T : KoArgumentProvider> List<T>.withArgumentNamed(name: String, vararg names: String): List<T>

List containing declarations that have at least one argument with the specified name(s).

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List containing declarations with any argument.

List containing declarations with argument declarations satisfying the predicate.

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fun <T : KoSourceTypeProvider> List<T>.withBareSourceType(name: String, vararg names: String): List<T>

List containing declarations with base source type.

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fun <T : KoSourceTypeProvider> List<T>.withBareSourceTypeOf(kClass: KClass<*>, vararg kClasses: KClass<*>): List<T>

List containing declarations with bare source type of.

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List containing declarations with block body.

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fun <T : KoChildProvider> List<T>.withChild(indirectChildren: Boolean = false, predicate: (KoChildDeclaration) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations that have at least one child satisfying the provided predicate.

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fun <T : KoChildProvider> List<T>.withChildNamed(names: Collection<String>, indirectChildren: Boolean = false): List<T>
fun <T : KoChildProvider> List<T>.withChildNamed(name: String, vararg names: String, indirectChildren: Boolean = false): List<T>

List containing declarations that have at least one child with the specified name(s).

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fun <T : KoChildProvider> List<T>.withChildOf(kClasses: Collection<KClass<*>>, indirectChildren: Boolean = false): List<T>
fun <T : KoChildProvider> List<T>.withChildOf(kClass: KClass<*>, vararg kClasses: KClass<*>, indirectChildren: Boolean = false): List<T>

List containing declarations that have at least one child of the specified KClass type.

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fun <T : KoChildProvider> List<T>.withChildren(indirectChildren: Boolean = false): List<T>

List containing declarations with class or interface child.

fun <T : KoChildProvider> List<T>.withChildren(indirectChildren: Boolean = false, predicate: (List<KoChildDeclaration>) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations with child declarations satisfying the predicate.

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fun <T : KoClassProvider> List<T>.withClass(includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true, predicate: (KoClassDeclaration) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations that have at least one class satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations with the specified class declaration.

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fun <T : KoDeclarationCastProvider> List<T>.withClassDeclarationOf(kClass: KClass<*>, vararg kClasses: KClass<*>): List<T>

List containing declarations with class declaration of.

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fun <T : KoClassProvider> List<T>.withClasses(includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true): List<T>

List containing declarations with any class.

fun <T : KoClassProvider> List<T>.withClasses(includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true, predicate: (List<KoClassDeclaration>) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations with class declarations satisfying the predicate.

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fun <T : KoClassAndInterfaceProvider> List<T>.withClassesAndInterfaces(includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true): List<T>

List containing declarations with any class or interface.

fun <T : KoClassAndInterfaceProvider> List<T>.withClassesAndInterfaces(includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true, predicate: (List<KoClassAndInterfaceDeclaration>) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations with classes and interfaces declarations satisfying the predicate.

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fun <T : KoClassAndInterfaceAndObjectProvider> List<T>.withClassesAndInterfacesAndObjects(includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true): List<T>

List containing declarations with any class, interface or object.

List containing declarations with classes, interfaces and objects declarations satisfying the predicate.

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fun <T : KoClassAndObjectProvider> List<T>.withClassesAndObjects(includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true): List<T>

List containing declarations with any class or object.

fun <T : KoClassAndObjectProvider> List<T>.withClassesAndObjects(includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true, predicate: (List<KoClassAndObjectDeclaration>) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations with classes and objects declarations satisfying the predicate.

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fun <T : KoClassProvider> List<T>.withClassNamed(names: Collection<String>, includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true): List<T>
fun <T : KoClassProvider> List<T>.withClassNamed(name: String, vararg names: String, includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true): List<T>

List containing declarations that have at least one class with the specified name(s).

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fun <T : KoClassAndInterfaceProvider> List<T>.withClassOrInterface(includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true, predicate: (KoClassAndInterfaceDeclaration) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations that have at least one class or interface satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations with the specified class or interface declaration.

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List containing declarations with class or interface declaration of.

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fun <T : KoClassAndInterfaceProvider> List<T>.withClassOrInterfaceNamed(names: Collection<String>, includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true): List<T>
fun <T : KoClassAndInterfaceProvider> List<T>.withClassOrInterfaceNamed(name: String, vararg names: String, includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true): List<T>

List containing declarations that have at least one class or interface with the specified name(s).

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List containing declarations that have at least one class, interface or object satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations with the specified class, interface or object declaration.

List containing declarations with class, interface or object declaration of.

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fun <T : KoClassAndInterfaceAndObjectProvider> List<T>.withClassOrInterfaceOrObjectNamed(names: Collection<String>, includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true): List<T>
fun <T : KoClassAndInterfaceAndObjectProvider> List<T>.withClassOrInterfaceOrObjectNamed(name: String, vararg names: String, includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true): List<T>

List containing declarations that have at least one class, interface or object with the specified name(s).

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fun <T : KoClassAndObjectProvider> List<T>.withClassOrObject(includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true, predicate: (KoClassAndObjectDeclaration) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations that have at least one class or object satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations with the specified class or object declaration.

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fun <T : KoDeclarationCastProvider> List<T>.withClassOrObjectDeclarationOf(kClass: KClass<*>, vararg kClasses: KClass<*>): List<T>

List containing declarations with class or object declaration of.

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fun <T : KoClassAndObjectProvider> List<T>.withClassOrObjectNamed(names: Collection<String>, includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true): List<T>
fun <T : KoClassAndObjectProvider> List<T>.withClassOrObjectNamed(name: String, vararg names: String, includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true): List<T>

List containing declarations that have at least one class or object with the specified name(s).

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List containing declarations whose at least one constructor matches the given predicate.

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List containing declarations defined within a constructor.

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List containing declarations with constructor.

List containing declarations with constructor declarations satisfying the predicate.

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fun <T : KoDeclarationProvider> List<T>.withDeclaration(includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true, predicate: (KoBaseDeclaration) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations that have at least one declaration satisfying the provided predicate.

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fun <T : KoDeclarationProvider> List<T>.withDeclarations(includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true): List<T>

List containing declarations with any declaration.

fun <T : KoDeclarationProvider> List<T>.withDeclarations(includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true, predicate: (List<KoBaseDeclaration>) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations with declarations satisfying the predicate.

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List containing declarations with default value.

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fun <T : KoDelegateProvider> List<T>.withDelegate(vararg names: String): List<T>

List containing declarations with delegate with given name.

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List containing declarations that have at least one enum constant satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations that have at least one enum constant with the specified name(s).

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List containing declarations with any enum constant.

List containing declarations with enum constant declarations satisfying the predicate.

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List containing declarations with expression body.

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List containing declarations that are extensions.

fun <T : KoFileExtensionProvider> List<T>.withExtension(extension: String, vararg extensions: String): List<T>

List containing files with extension.

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List containing declarations with the specified external declaration.

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fun <T : KoDeclarationCastProvider> List<T>.withExternalDeclarationOf(kClass: KClass<*>, vararg kClasses: KClass<*>): List<T>

List containing declarations with external declaration of.

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fun <T : KoExternalParentProvider> List<T>.withExternalParent(indirectParents: Boolean = false, predicate: (KoParentDeclaration) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations that have at least one external parent satisfying the provided predicate. The external parent is a parent defined outside the project codebase (defined inside external library).

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fun <T : KoExternalParentProvider> List<T>.withExternalParentNamed(names: Collection<String>, indirectParents: Boolean = false): List<T>
fun <T : KoExternalParentProvider> List<T>.withExternalParentNamed(name: String, vararg names: String, indirectParents: Boolean = false): List<T>

List containing declarations that have at least one external parent with the specified name(s). The external parent is a parent defined outside the project codebase (defined inside external library).

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fun <T : KoExternalParentProvider> List<T>.withExternalParentOf(kClasses: Collection<KClass<*>>, indirectParents: Boolean = false): List<T>
fun <T : KoExternalParentProvider> List<T>.withExternalParentOf(kClass: KClass<*>, vararg kClasses: KClass<*>, indirectParents: Boolean = false): List<T>

List containing declarations that have at least one external parent of the specified KClass type. The external parent is a parent defined outside the project codebase (defined inside external library).

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fun <T : KoExternalParentProvider> List<T>.withExternalParents(indirectParents: Boolean = false): List<T>

List containing declarations with any external parent. The external parent is a parent defined outside the project codebase (defined inside external library).

fun <T : KoExternalParentProvider> List<T>.withExternalParents(indirectParents: Boolean = false, predicate: (List<KoParentDeclaration>) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations with external parent declarations satisfying the predicate. The external parent is a parent defined outside the project codebase (defined inside external library).

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List containing declarations with the specified external declaration.

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fun <T : KoDeclarationCastProvider> List<T>.withExternalTypeDeclarationOf(kClass: KClass<*>, vararg kClasses: KClass<*>): List<T>

List containing declarations with external declaration of.

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List containing declarations with the fully qualified name.

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fun <T : KoFunctionProvider> List<T>.withFunction(includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true, predicate: (KoFunctionDeclaration) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations that have at least one function satisfying the provided predicate.

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fun <T : KoFunctionProvider> List<T>.withFunctionNamed(names: Collection<String>, includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true): List<T>
fun <T : KoFunctionProvider> List<T>.withFunctionNamed(name: String, vararg names: String, includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true): List<T>

List containing declarations that have at least one function with the specified name(s).

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fun <T : KoFunctionProvider> List<T>.withFunctions(includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true): List<T>

List containing declarations with any function.

fun <T : KoFunctionProvider> List<T>.withFunctions(includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true, predicate: (List<KoFunctionDeclaration>) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations with function declarations satisfying the predicate.

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List containing declarations that are generic.

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List containing declarations with generic type.

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List containing declarations with getter.

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List containing declarations that have at least one import satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations that have at least one import alias satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations with the specified import alias declaration.

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List containing declarations with any import alias.

List containing declarations with import alias declarations satisfying the predicate.

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List containing declarations that have at least one import alias with the specified name(s).

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fun <T : KoImportProvider> List<T>.withImportNamed(name: String, vararg names: String): List<T>

List containing declarations that have at least one import with the specified name(s).

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List containing declarations with any import.

List containing declarations with import declarations satisfying the predicate.

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List containing declarations that have at least one init block satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations that have init block(s).

List containing declarations with init block declarations satisfying the predicate.

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List containing declarations that have been initialized.

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fun <T : KoInterfaceProvider> List<T>.withInterface(includeNested: Boolean = true, predicate: (KoInterfaceDeclaration) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations that have at least one interface satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations with the specified interface declaration.

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fun <T : KoDeclarationCastProvider> List<T>.withInterfaceDeclarationOf(kClass: KClass<*>, vararg kClasses: KClass<*>): List<T>

List containing declarations with interface declaration of.

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fun <T : KoInterfaceProvider> List<T>.withInterfaceNamed(names: Collection<String>, includeNested: Boolean = true): List<T>
fun <T : KoInterfaceProvider> List<T>.withInterfaceNamed(name: String, vararg names: String, includeNested: Boolean = true): List<T>

List containing declarations that have at least one interface with the specified name(s).

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List containing declarations that have at least one interface or object satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations with the specified interface or object declaration.

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List containing declarations with interface or object declaration of.

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fun <T : KoInterfaceAndObjectProvider> List<T>.withInterfaceOrObjectNamed(name: String, vararg names: String, includeNested: Boolean = true): List<T>

List containing declarations that have at least one interface or object with the specified name(s).

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fun <T : KoInterfaceProvider> List<T>.withInterfaces(includeNested: Boolean = true): List<T>

List containing declarations with any interface.

fun <T : KoInterfaceProvider> List<T>.withInterfaces(includeNested: Boolean = true, predicate: (List<KoInterfaceDeclaration>) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations with interface declarations satisfying the predicate.

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List containing declarations with any interface or object.

List containing declarations with interfaces and objects declarations satisfying the predicate.

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List containing declarations with KDoc.

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List containing declarations with the specified kotlin basic type declaration.

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List containing declarations with kotlin basic type declaration of.

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List containing declarations with the specified kotlin collection type declaration.

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List containing declarations with kotlin collection type declaration of.

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List containing declarations with the specified kotlin type declaration.

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fun <T : KoDeclarationCastProvider> List<T>.withKotlinTypeDeclarationOf(kClass: KClass<*>, vararg kClasses: KClass<*>): List<T>

List containing declarations with kotlin type declaration of.

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List containing declarations that have at least one local class satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations with any local class.

List containing declarations with local class declarations satisfying the predicate.

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List containing declarations that have at least one local class with the specified name(s).

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List containing declarations that have at least one local declaration satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations with any local declaration.

List containing declarations with local declarations satisfying the predicate.

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List containing declarations that have at least one local function satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations that have at least one local function with the specified name(s).

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List containing declarations with any local function.

List containing declarations with local function declarations satisfying the predicate.

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List containing declarations with a matching package.

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List containing declarations with a matching path.

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fun <T : KoModuleProvider> List<T>.withModule(name: String, vararg names: String): List<T>

List containing declarations with module.

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Returns a list of declarations with mutable types.

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fun <T : KoNameProvider> List<T>.withName(vararg names: String): List<T>

List containing declarations with name.

fun <T : KoNameProvider> List<T>.withName(predicate: (String) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations that have a name matching the provided predicate.

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fun <T : KoNameProvider> List<T>.withNameContaining(text: String, vararg texts: String): List<T>

List containing declarations with name containing any of the specified String.

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fun <T : KoNameProvider> List<T>.withNameEndingWith(suffix: String, vararg suffixes: String): List<T>

List containing declarations with name with any of the specified suffix.

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fun <T : KoNameProvider> List<T>.withNameMatching(regex: Regex, vararg regexes: Regex): List<T>

List containing declarations with name matching any of the specified regex.

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fun <T : KoNameProvider> List<T>.withNameStartingWith(prefix: String, vararg prefixes: String): List<T>

List containing declarations with name with any of the specified prefix.

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List containing declarations with nullable type.

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List containing declarations with nullable type.

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fun <T : KoObjectProvider> List<T>.withObject(includeNested: Boolean = true, predicate: (KoObjectDeclaration) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations that have at least one object satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations with the specified object declaration.

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fun <T : KoDeclarationCastProvider> List<T>.withObjectDeclarationOf(kClass: KClass<*>, vararg kClasses: KClass<*>): List<T>

List containing declarations with object declaration of.

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fun <T : KoObjectProvider> List<T>.withObjectNamed(names: Collection<String>, includeNested: Boolean = true): List<T>
fun <T : KoObjectProvider> List<T>.withObjectNamed(name: String, vararg names: String, includeNested: Boolean = true): List<T>

List containing declarations that have at least one object with the specified name(s).

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fun <T : KoObjectProvider> List<T>.withObjects(includeNested: Boolean = true): List<T>

List containing declarations with any object.

fun <T : KoObjectProvider> List<T>.withObjects(includeNested: Boolean = true, predicate: (List<KoObjectDeclaration>) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations with object declarations satisfying the predicate.

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fun <T : KoPathProvider> List<T>.withoutAbsolutePath(path: String, vararg paths: String): List<T>

List containing declarations without absolute path.

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List containing declarations without the specified import alias.

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List containing declarations that have at least one annotation not satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations without all specified annotations.

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fun <T : KoAnnotationProvider> List<T>.withoutAllAnnotationsOf(kClass: KClass<*>, vararg kClasses: KClass<*>): List<T>

List containing declarations without all specified KClass type annotations.

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List containing declarations that have at least one argument not satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations without all specified arguments.

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fun <T : KoChildProvider> List<T>.withoutAllChildren(indirectChildren: Boolean = false, predicate: (KoChildDeclaration) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations that have at least one child not satisfying the provided predicate.

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fun <T : KoChildProvider> List<T>.withoutAllChildrenNamed(names: Collection<String>, indirectChildren: Boolean = false): List<T>
fun <T : KoChildProvider> List<T>.withoutAllChildrenNamed(name: String, vararg names: String, indirectChildren: Boolean = false): List<T>

List containing declarations without all specified children.

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fun <T : KoChildProvider> List<T>.withoutAllChildrenOf(kClasses: Collection<KClass<*>>, indirectChildren: Boolean = false): List<T>
fun <T : KoChildProvider> List<T>.withoutAllChildrenOf(kClass: KClass<*>, vararg kClasses: KClass<*>, indirectChildren: Boolean = false): List<T>

List containing declarations without all specified KClass type children.

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fun <T : KoClassProvider> List<T>.withoutAllClasses(includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true, predicate: (KoClassDeclaration) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations that have at least one class not satisfying the provided predicate.

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fun <T : KoClassAndInterfaceProvider> List<T>.withoutAllClassesAndInterfaces(includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true, predicate: (KoClassAndInterfaceDeclaration) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations that have at least one class or interface not satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations that have at least one class, interface or object not satisfying the provided predicate.

fun <T : KoClassAndInterfaceAndObjectProvider> List<T>.withoutAllClassesAndInterfacesAndObjectsNamed(name: String, vararg names: String, includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true): List<T>

List containing declarations without all specified classes, interfaces and objects.

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fun <T : KoClassAndInterfaceProvider> List<T>.withoutAllClassesAndInterfacesNamed(names: Collection<String>, includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true): List<T>
fun <T : KoClassAndInterfaceProvider> List<T>.withoutAllClassesAndInterfacesNamed(name: String, vararg names: String, includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true): List<T>

List containing declarations without all specified classes and interfaces.

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fun <T : KoClassAndObjectProvider> List<T>.withoutAllClassesAndObjects(includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true, predicate: (KoClassAndObjectDeclaration) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations that have at least one class or object not satisfying the provided predicate.

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fun <T : KoClassAndObjectProvider> List<T>.withoutAllClassesAndObjectsNamed(names: Collection<String>, includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true): List<T>
fun <T : KoClassAndObjectProvider> List<T>.withoutAllClassesAndObjectsNamed(name: String, vararg names: String, includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true): List<T>

List containing declarations without all specified classes and objects.

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fun <T : KoClassProvider> List<T>.withoutAllClassesNamed(names: Collection<String>, includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true): List<T>
fun <T : KoClassProvider> List<T>.withoutAllClassesNamed(name: String, vararg names: String, includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true): List<T>

List containing declarations without all specified classes.

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List containing declarations that have at least one constructor not satisfying the provided predicate.

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fun <T : KoDeclarationProvider> List<T>.withoutAllDeclarations(includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true, predicate: (KoBaseDeclaration) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations that have at least one declaration not satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations that have at least one enum constant not satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations without all specified enum constants.

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fun <T : KoExternalParentProvider> List<T>.withoutAllExternalParents(indirectParents: Boolean = false, predicate: (KoParentDeclaration) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations that have at least one external parent not satisfying the provided predicate. The external parent is a parent defined outside the project codebase (defined inside external library).

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fun <T : KoExternalParentProvider> List<T>.withoutAllExternalParentsNamed(name: String, vararg names: String, indirectParents: Boolean = false): List<T>

List containing declarations without all specified external parents. The external parent is a parent defined outside the project codebase (defined inside external library).

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fun <T : KoExternalParentProvider> List<T>.withoutAllExternalParentsOf(kClasses: Collection<KClass<*>>, indirectParents: Boolean = false): List<T>
fun <T : KoExternalParentProvider> List<T>.withoutAllExternalParentsOf(kClass: KClass<*>, vararg kClasses: KClass<*>, indirectParents: Boolean = false): List<T>

List containing declarations without all specified KClass type external parents. The external parent is a parent defined outside the project codebase (defined inside external library).

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fun <T : KoFunctionProvider> List<T>.withoutAllFunctions(includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true, predicate: (KoFunctionDeclaration) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations that have at least one function not satisfying the provided predicate.

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fun <T : KoFunctionProvider> List<T>.withoutAllFunctionsNamed(names: Collection<String>, includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true): List<T>
fun <T : KoFunctionProvider> List<T>.withoutAllFunctionsNamed(name: String, vararg names: String, includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true): List<T>

List containing declarations without all specified functions.

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List containing declarations that have at least one import alias not satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations without all specified import aliases.

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List containing declarations that have at least one import not satisfying the provided predicate.

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fun <T : KoImportProvider> List<T>.withoutAllImportsNamed(name: String, vararg names: String): List<T>

List containing declarations without all specified imports.

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List containing declarations that have at least one init block not satisfying the provided predicate.

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fun <T : KoInterfaceProvider> List<T>.withoutAllInterfaces(includeNested: Boolean = true, predicate: (KoInterfaceDeclaration) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations that have at least one interface not satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations that have at least one interface or object not satisfying the provided predicate.

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fun <T : KoInterfaceAndObjectProvider> List<T>.withoutAllInterfacesAndObjectsNamed(name: String, vararg names: String, includeNested: Boolean = true): List<T>

List containing declarations without all specified interfaces and objects.

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fun <T : KoInterfaceProvider> List<T>.withoutAllInterfacesNamed(names: Collection<String>, includeNested: Boolean = true): List<T>
fun <T : KoInterfaceProvider> List<T>.withoutAllInterfacesNamed(name: String, vararg names: String, includeNested: Boolean = true): List<T>

List containing declarations without all specified interfaces.

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List containing declarations that have at least one local class not satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations without all specified local classes.

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List containing declarations that have at least one local declaration not satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations that have at least one local function not satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations without all specified local functions.

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fun <T : KoObjectProvider> List<T>.withoutAllObjects(includeNested: Boolean = true, predicate: (KoObjectDeclaration) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations that have at least one object not satisfying the provided predicate.

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fun <T : KoObjectProvider> List<T>.withoutAllObjectsNamed(names: Collection<String>, includeNested: Boolean = true): List<T>

List containing declarations without any of specified objects.

fun <T : KoObjectProvider> List<T>.withoutAllObjectsNamed(name: String, vararg names: String, includeNested: Boolean = true): List<T>

List containing declarations without all specified objects.

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Filters the list by excluding functions where all parameters match the given predicate.

List containing declarations that have at least one parameter not satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations without all specified parameters.

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Filters the list by excluding functions where all parameter types match the given predicate.

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fun <T : KoParentClassProvider> List<T>.withoutAllParentClasses(indirectParents: Boolean = false, predicate: (KoParentDeclaration) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations that have at least one parent class not satisfying the provided predicate.

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fun <T : KoParentClassProvider> List<T>.withoutAllParentClassesNamed(name: String, vararg names: String, indirectParents: Boolean = false): List<T>

List containing declarations without all specified parent classes.

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fun <T : KoParentClassProvider> List<T>.withoutAllParentClassesOf(kClasses: Collection<KClass<*>>, indirectParents: Boolean = false): List<T>
fun <T : KoParentClassProvider> List<T>.withoutAllParentClassesOf(kClass: KClass<*>, vararg kClasses: KClass<*>, indirectParents: Boolean = false): List<T>

List containing declarations without all specified KClass type parent classes.

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List containing declarations that have at least one parent interface not satisfying the provided predicate.

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fun <T : KoParentInterfaceProvider> List<T>.withoutAllParentInterfacesNamed(name: String, vararg names: String, indirectParents: Boolean = false): List<T>

List containing declarations without all specified parent interfaces.

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fun <T : KoParentInterfaceProvider> List<T>.withoutAllParentInterfacesOf(kClasses: Collection<KClass<*>>, indirectParents: Boolean = false): List<T>
fun <T : KoParentInterfaceProvider> List<T>.withoutAllParentInterfacesOf(kClass: KClass<*>, vararg kClasses: KClass<*>, indirectParents: Boolean = false): List<T>

List containing declarations without all specified KClass type parent interfaces.

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fun <T : KoParentProvider> List<T>.withoutAllParents(indirectParents: Boolean = false, predicate: (KoParentDeclaration) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations that have at least one parent not satisfying the provided predicate.

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fun <T : KoParentProvider> List<T>.withoutAllParentsNamed(names: Collection<String>, indirectParents: Boolean = false): List<T>
fun <T : KoParentProvider> List<T>.withoutAllParentsNamed(name: String, vararg names: String, indirectParents: Boolean = false): List<T>

List containing declarations without all specified parents.

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fun <T : KoParentProvider> List<T>.withoutAllParentsOf(kClasses: Collection<KClass<*>>, indirectParents: Boolean = false): List<T>
fun <T : KoParentProvider> List<T>.withoutAllParentsOf(kClass: KClass<*>, vararg kClasses: KClass<*>, indirectParents: Boolean = false): List<T>

List containing declarations without all specified KClass type parents.

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fun <T : KoPropertyProvider> List<T>.withoutAllProperties(includeNested: Boolean = true, predicate: (KoPropertyDeclaration) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations that have at least one property not satisfying the provided predicate.

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fun <T : KoPropertyProvider> List<T>.withoutAllPropertiesNamed(names: Collection<String>, includeNested: Boolean = true): List<T>
fun <T : KoPropertyProvider> List<T>.withoutAllPropertiesNamed(name: String, vararg names: String, includeNested: Boolean = true): List<T>

List containing declarations without all specified properties.

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List containing declarations that have at least one secondary constructor not satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations that have at least one type alias not satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations without all specified type aliases.

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List containing declarations that have at least one type argument not satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations without all specified type arguments.

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List containing declarations that have at least one type parameter not satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations without all specified type parameters.

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List containing declarations that have at least one upper bound not satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations without all specified upper bounds.

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List containing declarations that have at least one variable not satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations without all specified variables.

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List containing declarations that not have annotation satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations without any of specified annotations.

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fun <T : KoAnnotationProvider> List<T>.withoutAnnotationOf(kClass: KClass<*>, vararg kClasses: KClass<*>): List<T>

List containing declarations without any annotation of the specified KClass type.

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List containing declarations with no annotation.

List containing declarations without annotation declarations satisfying the predicate.

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List containing declarations that not have argument satisfying the provided predicate.

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fun <T : KoArgumentProvider> List<T>.withoutArgumentNamed(name: String, vararg names: String): List<T>

List containing declarations without any of specified arguments.

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List containing declarations with no arguments.

List containing declarations without argument declarations satisfying the predicate.

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List containing declarations without bare source type.

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fun <T : KoSourceTypeProvider> List<T>.withoutBareSourceTypeOf(kClass: KClass<*>, vararg kClasses: KClass<*>): List<T>

List containing declarations without bare source type of.

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List containing declarations without block body.

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fun <T : KoChildProvider> List<T>.withoutChild(indirectChildren: Boolean = false, predicate: (KoChildDeclaration) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations that not have child satisfying the provided predicate.

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fun <T : KoChildProvider> List<T>.withoutChildNamed(names: Collection<String>, indirectChildren: Boolean = false): List<T>
fun <T : KoChildProvider> List<T>.withoutChildNamed(name: String, vararg names: String, indirectChildren: Boolean = false): List<T>

List containing declarations without any of specified children.

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fun <T : KoChildProvider> List<T>.withoutChildOf(kClasses: Collection<KClass<*>>, indirectChildren: Boolean = false): List<T>
fun <T : KoChildProvider> List<T>.withoutChildOf(kClass: KClass<*>, vararg kClasses: KClass<*>, indirectChildren: Boolean = false): List<T>

List containing declarations without any child of the specified KClass type.

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fun <T : KoChildProvider> List<T>.withoutChildren(indirectChildren: Boolean = false): List<T>

List containing declarations with no child - class does not extend any class and does not implement any interface.

fun <T : KoChildProvider> List<T>.withoutChildren(indirectChildren: Boolean = false, predicate: (List<KoChildDeclaration>) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations without child declarations satisfying the predicate.

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fun <T : KoClassProvider> List<T>.withoutClass(includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true, predicate: (KoClassDeclaration) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations that not have class satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations without the specified class declaration.

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fun <T : KoDeclarationCastProvider> List<T>.withoutClassDeclarationOf(kClass: KClass<*>, vararg kClasses: KClass<*>): List<T>

List containing declarations without class declaration of.

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fun <T : KoClassProvider> List<T>.withoutClasses(includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true): List<T>

List containing declarations with no classes.

fun <T : KoClassProvider> List<T>.withoutClasses(includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true, predicate: (List<KoClassDeclaration>) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations without class declarations satisfying the predicate.

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fun <T : KoClassAndInterfaceProvider> List<T>.withoutClassesAndInterfaces(includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true): List<T>

List containing declarations with no classes and interfaces.

fun <T : KoClassAndInterfaceProvider> List<T>.withoutClassesAndInterfaces(includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true, predicate: (List<KoClassAndInterfaceDeclaration>) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations without classes and interfaces declarations satisfying the predicate.

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List containing declarations with no classes, interfaces and objects.

List containing declarations without classes, interfaces and objects declarations satisfying the predicate.

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fun <T : KoClassAndObjectProvider> List<T>.withoutClassesAndObjects(includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true): List<T>

List containing declarations with no classes and objects.

fun <T : KoClassAndObjectProvider> List<T>.withoutClassesAndObjects(includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true, predicate: (List<KoClassAndObjectDeclaration>) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations without classes and objects declarations satisfying the predicate.

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fun <T : KoClassProvider> List<T>.withoutClassNamed(names: Collection<String>, includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true): List<T>
fun <T : KoClassProvider> List<T>.withoutClassNamed(name: String, vararg names: String, includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true): List<T>

List containing declarations without any of specified classes.

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fun <T : KoClassAndInterfaceProvider> List<T>.withoutClassOrInterface(includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true, predicate: (KoClassAndInterfaceDeclaration) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations that not have class or interface satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations without the specified class or interface declaration.

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List containing declarations without class or interface declaration of.

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fun <T : KoClassAndInterfaceProvider> List<T>.withoutClassOrInterfaceNamed(names: Collection<String>, includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true): List<T>
fun <T : KoClassAndInterfaceProvider> List<T>.withoutClassOrInterfaceNamed(name: String, vararg names: String, includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true): List<T>

List containing declarations without any of specified classes and interfaces.

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List containing declarations that not have class, interface or object satisfying the provided predicate.

List containing declarations without the specified class, interface or object declaration.

List containing declarations without class, interface or object declaration of.

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fun <T : KoClassAndInterfaceAndObjectProvider> List<T>.withoutClassOrInterfaceOrObjectNamed(name: String, vararg names: String, includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true): List<T>

List containing declarations without any of specified classes, interfaces and objects.

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fun <T : KoClassAndObjectProvider> List<T>.withoutClassOrObject(includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true, predicate: (KoClassAndObjectDeclaration) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations that not have class or object satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations without the specified class or object declaration.

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List containing declarations without class or object declaration of.

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fun <T : KoClassAndObjectProvider> List<T>.withoutClassOrObjectNamed(names: Collection<String>, includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true): List<T>
fun <T : KoClassAndObjectProvider> List<T>.withoutClassOrObjectNamed(name: String, vararg names: String, includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true): List<T>

List containing declarations without any of specified classes and objects.

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List containing declarations that not have constructor satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations defined outside a constructor.

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List containing declarations without constructor.

List containing declarations without constructor declarations satisfying the predicate.

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fun <T : KoDeclarationProvider> List<T>.withoutDeclaration(includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true, predicate: (KoBaseDeclaration) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations that not have declaration satisfying the provided predicate.

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fun <T : KoDeclarationProvider> List<T>.withoutDeclarations(includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true): List<T>

List containing declarations with no declarations.

fun <T : KoDeclarationProvider> List<T>.withoutDeclarations(includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true, predicate: (List<KoBaseDeclaration>) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations without declarations satisfying the predicate.

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List containing declarations without default value.

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List containing declarations without delegate with given name.

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List containing declarations that not have enum constant satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations without any of specified enum constants.

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List containing declarations with no enum constant.

List containing declarations without enum constant declarations satisfying the predicate.

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List containing declarations without expression body.

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List containing declarations that are not extensions.

fun <T : KoFileExtensionProvider> List<T>.withoutExtension(extension: String, vararg extensions: String): List<T>

List containing files without extension.

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List containing declarations without the specified external declaration.

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fun <T : KoDeclarationCastProvider> List<T>.withoutExternalDeclarationOf(kClass: KClass<*>, vararg kClasses: KClass<*>): List<T>

List containing declarations without external declaration of.

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fun <T : KoExternalParentProvider> List<T>.withoutExternalParent(indirectParents: Boolean = false, predicate: (KoParentDeclaration) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations that not have external parent satisfying the provided predicate. The external parent is a parent defined outside the project codebase (defined inside external library).

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fun <T : KoExternalParentProvider> List<T>.withoutExternalParentNamed(name: String, vararg names: String, indirectParents: Boolean = false): List<T>

List containing declarations without any of specified external parents. The external parent is a parent defined outside the project codebase (defined inside external library).

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fun <T : KoExternalParentProvider> List<T>.withoutExternalParentOf(kClasses: Collection<KClass<*>>, indirectParents: Boolean = false): List<T>
fun <T : KoExternalParentProvider> List<T>.withoutExternalParentOf(kClass: KClass<*>, vararg kClasses: KClass<*>, indirectParents: Boolean = false): List<T>

List containing declarations without any external parent of the specified KClass type. The external parent is a parent defined outside the project codebase (defined inside external library).

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fun <T : KoExternalParentProvider> List<T>.withoutExternalParents(indirectParents: Boolean = false): List<T>

List containing declarations with none external parent. The external parent is a parent defined outside the project codebase (defined inside external library).

fun <T : KoExternalParentProvider> List<T>.withoutExternalParents(indirectParents: Boolean = false, predicate: (List<KoParentDeclaration>) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations without external parent declarations satisfying the predicate. The external parent is a parent defined outside the project codebase (defined inside external library).

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List containing declarations without the specified external declaration.

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List containing declarations without external declaration of.

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List containing declarations without fully qualified name.

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fun <T : KoFunctionProvider> List<T>.withoutFunction(includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true, predicate: (KoFunctionDeclaration) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations that not have function satisfying the provided predicate.

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fun <T : KoFunctionProvider> List<T>.withoutFunctionNamed(names: Collection<String>, includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true): List<T>
fun <T : KoFunctionProvider> List<T>.withoutFunctionNamed(name: String, vararg names: String, includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true): List<T>

List containing declarations without any of specified functions.

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fun <T : KoFunctionProvider> List<T>.withoutFunctions(includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true): List<T>

List containing declarations with no functions.

fun <T : KoFunctionProvider> List<T>.withoutFunctions(includeNested: Boolean = true, includeLocal: Boolean = true, predicate: (List<KoFunctionDeclaration>) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations without function declarations satisfying the predicate.

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List containing declarations that are not generic.

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List containing declarations without generic type.

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List containing declarations without getter.

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List containing declarations that not have import satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations that not have import alias satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations without the specified import alias declaration.

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List containing declarations with no import alias.

List containing declarations without import alias declarations satisfying the predicate.

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List containing declarations without any of specified import aliases.

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fun <T : KoImportProvider> List<T>.withoutImportNamed(name: String, vararg names: String): List<T>

List containing declarations without any of specified imports.

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List containing declarations with no import.

List containing declarations without import declarations satisfying the predicate.

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List containing declarations that not have init block satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations that don't have init block(s).

List containing declarations without init block declarations satisfying the predicate.

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List containing declarations that have not been initialized.

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fun <T : KoInterfaceProvider> List<T>.withoutInterface(includeNested: Boolean = true, predicate: (KoInterfaceDeclaration) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations that not have interface satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations without the specified interface declaration.

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fun <T : KoDeclarationCastProvider> List<T>.withoutInterfaceDeclarationOf(kClass: KClass<*>, vararg kClasses: KClass<*>): List<T>

List containing declarations without interface declaration of.

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fun <T : KoInterfaceProvider> List<T>.withoutInterfaceNamed(names: Collection<String>, includeNested: Boolean = true): List<T>
fun <T : KoInterfaceProvider> List<T>.withoutInterfaceNamed(name: String, vararg names: String, includeNested: Boolean = true): List<T>

List containing declarations without any of specified interfaces.

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List containing declarations that not have interface or object satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations without the specified interface or object declaration.

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List containing declarations without interface or object declaration of.

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fun <T : KoInterfaceAndObjectProvider> List<T>.withoutInterfaceOrObjectNamed(name: String, vararg names: String, includeNested: Boolean = true): List<T>

List containing declarations without any of specified interfaces and objects.

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fun <T : KoInterfaceProvider> List<T>.withoutInterfaces(includeNested: Boolean = true): List<T>

List containing declarations with no interfaces.

fun <T : KoInterfaceProvider> List<T>.withoutInterfaces(includeNested: Boolean = true, predicate: (List<KoInterfaceDeclaration>) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations without interface declarations satisfying the predicate.

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List containing declarations with no interfaces and objects.

List containing declarations without interfaces and objects declarations satisfying the predicate.

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List containing declarations without KDoc.

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List containing declarations without the specified kotlin basic type declaration.

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List containing declarations without kotlin basic type declaration of.

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List containing declarations without the specified kotlin collection type declaration.

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List containing declarations without kotlin collection type declaration of.

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List containing declarations without the specified kotlin type declaration.

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fun <T : KoDeclarationCastProvider> List<T>.withoutKotlinTypeDeclarationOf(kClass: KClass<*>, vararg kClasses: KClass<*>): List<T>

List containing declarations without kotlin type declaration of.

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List containing declarations that not have local class satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations with no local classes.

List containing declarations without local class declarations satisfying the predicate.

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List containing declarations without any of specified local classes.

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List containing declarations that not have local declaration satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations with no local declarations.

List containing declarations without local declarations satisfying the predicate.

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List containing declarations that not have local function satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations without any of specified local functions.

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List containing declarations with no local functions.

List containing declarations without local function declarations satisfying the predicate.

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List containing declarations without a matching package.

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List containing declarations without a matching path.

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fun <T : KoModuleProvider> List<T>.withoutModule(name: String, vararg names: String): List<T>

List containing declarations without module.

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Returns a list of declarations without mutable types.

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fun <T : KoNameProvider> List<T>.withoutName(vararg names: String): List<T>

List containing declarations without name.

fun <T : KoNameProvider> List<T>.withoutName(predicate: (String) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations that don't have a name matching the provided predicate.

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fun <T : KoNameProvider> List<T>.withoutNameContaining(text: String, vararg texts: String): List<T>

List containing declarations without name containing any of the specified String.

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fun <T : KoNameProvider> List<T>.withoutNameEndingWith(suffix: String, vararg suffixes: String): List<T>

List containing declarations without name with any of the specified suffix.

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fun <T : KoNameProvider> List<T>.withoutNameMatching(regex: Regex, vararg regexes: Regex): List<T>

List containing declarations without name matching any of the specified regex.

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fun <T : KoNameProvider> List<T>.withoutNameStartingWith(prefix: String, vararg prefixes: String): List<T>

List containing declarations without name with any of the specified prefix.

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List containing declarations without nullable type.

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List containing declarations without nullable type.

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fun <T : KoObjectProvider> List<T>.withoutObject(includeNested: Boolean = true, predicate: (KoObjectDeclaration) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations that not have object satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations without the specified object declaration.

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fun <T : KoDeclarationCastProvider> List<T>.withoutObjectDeclarationOf(kClass: KClass<*>, vararg kClasses: KClass<*>): List<T>

List containing declarations without object declaration of.

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fun <T : KoObjectProvider> List<T>.withoutObjectNamed(names: Collection<String>, includeNested: Boolean = true): List<T>
fun <T : KoObjectProvider> List<T>.withoutObjectNamed(name: String, vararg names: String, includeNested: Boolean = true): List<T>

List containing declarations without any of specified objects.

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fun <T : KoObjectProvider> List<T>.withoutObjects(includeNested: Boolean = true): List<T>

List containing declarations with no objects.

fun <T : KoObjectProvider> List<T>.withoutObjects(includeNested: Boolean = true, predicate: (List<KoObjectDeclaration>) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations without object declarations satisfying the predicate.

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List containing declarations with some package.

List containing elements without package.

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Filters the list by excluding functions that match the parameter predicate.

List containing declarations that not have parameter satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations without any of specified parameters.

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List containing declarations with no parameters.

Filters the list by excluding functions that match the parameters predicate as a collection.

List containing declarations without parameter declarations satisfying the predicate.

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Filters the list by excluding functions that match the parameter type predicate.

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Filters the list by excluding functions that match the parameter types predicate as a collection.

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fun <T : KoParentProvider> List<T>.withoutParent(indirectParents: Boolean = false, predicate: (KoParentDeclaration) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations that not have parent satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations without direct parent class.

fun <T : KoParentClassProvider> List<T>.withoutParentClass(indirectParents: Boolean = false, predicate: (KoParentDeclaration) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations without the specified parent class.

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fun <T : KoParentClassProvider> List<T>.withoutParentClasses(indirectParents: Boolean = false): List<T>

List containing declarations with none parent class.

fun <T : KoParentClassProvider> List<T>.withoutParentClasses(indirectParents: Boolean = false, predicate: (List<KoParentDeclaration>) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations without parent class declarations satisfying the predicate.

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fun <T : KoParentClassProvider> List<T>.withoutParentClassNamed(names: Collection<String>, indirectParents: Boolean = false): List<T>
fun <T : KoParentClassProvider> List<T>.withoutParentClassNamed(name: String, vararg names: String, indirectParents: Boolean = false): List<T>

List containing declarations without any of specified parent classes.

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fun <T : KoParentClassProvider> List<T>.withoutParentClassOf(kClasses: Collection<KClass<*>>, indirectParents: Boolean = false): List<T>
fun <T : KoParentClassProvider> List<T>.withoutParentClassOf(kClass: KClass<*>, vararg kClasses: KClass<*>, indirectParents: Boolean = false): List<T>

List containing declarations without parent class.

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fun <T : KoParentInterfaceProvider> List<T>.withoutParentInterface(indirectParents: Boolean = false, predicate: (KoParentDeclaration) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations that not have parent interface satisfying the provided predicate.

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fun <T : KoParentInterfaceProvider> List<T>.withoutParentInterfaceNamed(name: String, vararg names: String, indirectParents: Boolean = false): List<T>

List containing declarations without any of specified parent interfaces.

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fun <T : KoParentInterfaceProvider> List<T>.withoutParentInterfaceOf(kClasses: Collection<KClass<*>>, indirectParents: Boolean = false): List<T>
fun <T : KoParentInterfaceProvider> List<T>.withoutParentInterfaceOf(kClass: KClass<*>, vararg kClasses: KClass<*>, indirectParents: Boolean = false): List<T>

List containing declarations without any parent interface of the specified KClass type.

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fun <T : KoParentInterfaceProvider> List<T>.withoutParentInterfaces(indirectParents: Boolean = false): List<T>

List containing declarations with none parent interface.

fun <T : KoParentInterfaceProvider> List<T>.withoutParentInterfaces(indirectParents: Boolean = false, predicate: (List<KoParentDeclaration>) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations without parent interface declarations satisfying the predicate.

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fun <T : KoParentProvider> List<T>.withoutParentNamed(names: Collection<String>, indirectParents: Boolean = false): List<T>
fun <T : KoParentProvider> List<T>.withoutParentNamed(name: String, vararg names: String, indirectParents: Boolean = false): List<T>

List containing declarations without any of specified parents.

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fun <T : KoParentProvider> List<T>.withoutParentOf(kClasses: Collection<KClass<*>>, indirectParents: Boolean = false): List<T>
fun <T : KoParentProvider> List<T>.withoutParentOf(kClass: KClass<*>, vararg kClasses: KClass<*>, indirectParents: Boolean = false): List<T>

List containing declarations without any parent of the specified KClass type.

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fun <T : KoParentProvider> List<T>.withoutParents(indirectParents: Boolean = false): List<T>

List containing declarations with none parent - declaration does not extend any class and does not implement any interface.

fun <T : KoParentProvider> List<T>.withoutParents(indirectParents: Boolean = false, predicate: (List<KoParentDeclaration>) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations without parent declarations satisfying the predicate.

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fun <T : KoPathProvider> List<T>.withoutPath(paths: Collection<String>, absolutePath: Boolean = false): List<T>
fun <T : KoPathProvider> List<T>.withoutPath(path: String, vararg paths: String, absolutePath: Boolean = false): List<T>

List containing declarations without path.

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List containing declarations that don't have primary constructor.

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fun <T : KoPathProvider> List<T>.withoutProjectPath(path: String, vararg paths: String): List<T>

List containing declarations without project path.

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fun <T : KoPropertyProvider> List<T>.withoutProperties(includeNested: Boolean = true): List<T>

List containing declarations with no properties.

fun <T : KoPropertyProvider> List<T>.withoutProperties(includeNested: Boolean = true, predicate: (List<KoPropertyDeclaration>) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations without property declarations satisfying the predicate.

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fun <T : KoPropertyProvider> List<T>.withoutProperty(includeNested: Boolean = true, predicate: (KoPropertyDeclaration) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations that not have property satisfying the provided predicate.

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fun <T : KoPropertyProvider> List<T>.withoutPropertyNamed(names: Collection<String>, includeNested: Boolean = true): List<T>
fun <T : KoPropertyProvider> List<T>.withoutPropertyNamed(name: String, vararg names: String, includeNested: Boolean = true): List<T>

List containing declarations without any of specified properties.

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List containing declarations that are not read only.

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List containing declarations without the specified receiver type.

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fun <T : KoReceiverTypeProvider> List<T>.withoutReceiverTypeOf(kClass: KClass<*>, vararg kClasses: KClass<*>): List<T>

List containing declarations without receiver type.

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List containing declarations that do not represent the type.

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fun <T : KoRepresentsTypeProvider> List<T>.withoutRepresentedTypeOf(kClass: KClass<*>?, vararg kClasses: KClass<*>?): List<T>

List containing declarations that do not represent the type.

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Filters the list by excluding function declarations that match the return type predicate.

List containing declarations without the specified return type.

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Filters the list to exclude functions that return a type of the specified classes.

fun <T : KoReturnProvider> List<T>.withoutReturnTypeOf(kClass: KClass<*>, vararg kClasses: KClass<*>): List<T>

List containing declarations without return type.

fun <T : KoFunctionTypeDeclarationProvider> List<T>.withoutReturnTypeOf(kClass: KClass<*>, vararg kClasses: KClass<*>): List<T>

Filters the list to exclude functions that return a type of the specified class(es).

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List containing declarations with the Unit return value, which may or may not have explicitly defined return types.

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List containing declarations that not have secondary constructor satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations that don't have secondary constructors.

List containing declarations without secondary constructor declarations satisfying the predicate.

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List containing declarations without setter.

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List containing source declarations without the specified source declaration.

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fun <T : KoSourceDeclarationProvider> List<T>.withoutSourceDeclarationOf(kClass: KClass<*>, vararg kClasses: KClass<*>): List<T>

List containing declarations without source declaration of.

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fun <T : KoSourceSetProvider> List<T>.withoutSourceSet(name: String, vararg names: String): List<T>

List containing declarations without source set.

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fun <T : KoSourceTypeProvider> List<T>.withoutSourceType(name: String, vararg names: String): List<T>

List containing declarations without source type.

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fun <T : KoSourceTypeProvider> List<T>.withoutSourceTypeOf(kClass: KClass<*>, vararg kClasses: KClass<*>): List<T>

List containing declarations without source type of.

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List containing the star projection declarations.

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fun <T : KoTacitTypeProvider> List<T>.withoutTacitType(type: String, vararg types: String): List<T>

List containing declarations without tacit type.

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fun <T : KoTacitTypeProvider> List<T>.withoutTacitTypeOf(kClass: KClass<*>, vararg kClasses: KClass<*>): List<T>

List containing declarations without tacit type.

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fun <T : KoTestClassProvider> List<T>.withoutTestClass(testPropertyName: String = "sut", moduleName: String? = null, sourceSetName: String? = null): List<T>

List containing declarations without a test.

fun <T : KoTestClassProvider> List<T>.withoutTestClass(moduleName: String? = null, sourceSetName: String? = null, predicate: (KoClassDeclaration) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations without a test matching the predicate.

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fun <T : KoTextProvider> List<T>.withoutText(vararg texts: String): List<T>

List containing declarations without text.

fun <T : KoTextProvider> List<T>.withoutText(predicate: (String) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations that don't have a text matching the provided predicate.

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fun <T : KoTextProvider> List<T>.withoutTextContaining(text: String, vararg texts: String): List<T>

List containing declarations without text containing any of the specified String.

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fun <T : KoTextProvider> List<T>.withoutTextEndingWith(suffix: String, vararg suffixes: String): List<T>

List containing declarations without text with any of the specified suffix.

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fun <T : KoTextProvider> List<T>.withoutTextMatching(regex: Regex, vararg regexes: Regex): List<T>

List containing declarations without text matching any of the specified regex.

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fun <T : KoTextProvider> List<T>.withoutTextStartingWith(prefix: String, vararg prefixes: String): List<T>

List containing declarations without text with any of the specified prefix.

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List containing the non-top level declarations.

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List containing declarations without the specified type.

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List containing declarations that not have type alias satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations without the specified type alias declaration.

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List containing declarations with no type aliases.

List containing declarations without type alias declarations satisfying the predicate.

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List containing declarations without any of specified type aliases.

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List containing declarations that not have type argument satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations without any of specified type arguments.

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List containing declarations with no type arguments.

List containing declarations without type argument declarations satisfying the predicate.

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fun <T : KoNonNullableTypeProvider> List<T>.withoutTypeOf(kClass: KClass<*>, vararg kClasses: KClass<*>): List<T>
fun <T : KoNullableTypeProvider> List<T>.withoutTypeOf(kClass: KClass<*>, vararg kClasses: KClass<*>): List<T>

List containing declarations without type of.

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List containing declarations that not have type parameter satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations without the specified type parameter declaration.

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List containing declarations without any of specified type parameters.

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List containing declarations with no type parameters.

List containing declarations without type parameter declarations satisfying the predicate.

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List containing declarations that not have upper bound satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations without any of specified upper bounds.

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List containing declarations with no upper bounds.

List containing declarations without upper bound declarations satisfying the predicate.

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List containing declarations without val keyword.

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fun <T : KoValueProvider> List<T>.withoutValue(vararg values: String): List<T>

List containing elements without value.

fun <T : KoValueProvider> List<T>.withoutValue(predicate: (String) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations that don't have a value matching the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations without var keyword.

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List containing declarations that not have variable satisfying the provided predicate.

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fun <T : KoVariableProvider> List<T>.withoutVariableNamed(name: String, vararg names: String): List<T>

List containing declarations without any of specified variables.

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List containing declarations with no variables.

List containing declarations without variable declarations satisfying the predicate.

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List containing declarations without a wildcard.

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fun <T : KoHasPackageProvider> List<T>.withPackage(vararg names: String): List<T>

List containing declarations with package.

List containing elements with package.

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Filters the list by parameter using the given predicate.

List containing declarations that have at least one parameter satisfying the provided predicate.

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fun <T : KoParametersProvider> List<T>.withParameterNamed(name: String, vararg names: String): List<T>

List containing declarations that have at least one parameter with the specified name(s).

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List containing declarations with any parameter.

Filters the list by parameters as a collection using the given predicate.

List containing declarations with parameter declarations satisfying the predicate.

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Filters the list by parameter type using the given predicate.

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Filters the list by parameter types as a collection using the given predicate.

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fun <T : KoParentProvider> List<T>.withParent(indirectParents: Boolean = false, predicate: (KoParentDeclaration) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations that have at least one parent satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations with any direct parent class.

fun <T : KoParentClassProvider> List<T>.withParentClass(indirectParents: Boolean = false, predicate: (KoParentDeclaration) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations with the specified parent class.

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fun <T : KoParentClassProvider> List<T>.withParentClasses(indirectParents: Boolean = false): List<T>

List containing declarations with any parent class.

fun <T : KoParentClassProvider> List<T>.withParentClasses(indirectParents: Boolean = false, predicate: (List<KoParentDeclaration>) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations with parent class declarations satisfying the predicate.

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fun <T : KoParentClassProvider> List<T>.withParentClassNamed(names: Collection<String>, indirectParents: Boolean = false): List<T>
fun <T : KoParentClassProvider> List<T>.withParentClassNamed(name: String, vararg names: String, indirectParents: Boolean = false): List<T>

List containing declarations that have parent class with the specified name(s).

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fun <T : KoParentClassProvider> List<T>.withParentClassOf(kClasses: Collection<KClass<*>>, indirectParents: Boolean = false): List<T>
fun <T : KoParentClassProvider> List<T>.withParentClassOf(kClass: KClass<*>, vararg kClasses: KClass<*>, indirectParents: Boolean = false): List<T>

List containing declarations that have parent class of type.

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fun <T : KoParentInterfaceProvider> List<T>.withParentInterface(indirectParents: Boolean = false, predicate: (KoParentDeclaration) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations that have at least one parent interface satisfying the provided predicate.

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fun <T : KoParentInterfaceProvider> List<T>.withParentInterfaceNamed(name: String, vararg names: String, indirectParents: Boolean = false): List<T>

List containing declarations that have at least one parent interface with the specified name(s).

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fun <T : KoParentInterfaceProvider> List<T>.withParentInterfaceOf(kClasses: Collection<KClass<*>>, indirectParents: Boolean = false): List<T>
fun <T : KoParentInterfaceProvider> List<T>.withParentInterfaceOf(kClass: KClass<*>, vararg kClasses: KClass<*>, indirectParents: Boolean = false): List<T>

List containing declarations that have at least one parent interface of the specified KClass type.

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fun <T : KoParentInterfaceProvider> List<T>.withParentInterfaces(indirectParents: Boolean = false): List<T>

List containing declarations with any parent interface.

fun <T : KoParentInterfaceProvider> List<T>.withParentInterfaces(indirectParents: Boolean = false, predicate: (List<KoParentDeclaration>) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations with parent interface declarations satisfying the predicate.

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fun <T : KoParentProvider> List<T>.withParentNamed(names: Collection<String>, indirectParents: Boolean = false): List<T>
fun <T : KoParentProvider> List<T>.withParentNamed(name: String, vararg names: String, indirectParents: Boolean = false): List<T>

List containing declarations that have at least one parent with the specified name(s).

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fun <T : KoParentProvider> List<T>.withParentOf(kClasses: Collection<KClass<*>>, indirectParents: Boolean = false): List<T>
fun <T : KoParentProvider> List<T>.withParentOf(kClass: KClass<*>, vararg kClasses: KClass<*>, indirectParents: Boolean = false): List<T>

List containing declarations that have at least one parent of the specified KClass type.

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fun <T : KoParentProvider> List<T>.withParents(indirectParents: Boolean = false): List<T>

List containing declarations with any parent.

fun <T : KoParentProvider> List<T>.withParents(indirectParents: Boolean = false, predicate: (List<KoParentDeclaration>) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations with parent declarations satisfying the predicate.

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fun <T : KoPathProvider> List<T>.withPath(paths: Collection<String>, absolutePath: Boolean = false): List<T>
fun <T : KoPathProvider> List<T>.withPath(path: String, vararg paths: String, absolutePath: Boolean = false): List<T>

List containing declarations with path.

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List containing declarations that have primary constructor.

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fun <T : KoPathProvider> List<T>.withProjectPath(path: String, vararg paths: String): List<T>

List containing declarations with project path.

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fun <T : KoPropertyProvider> List<T>.withProperties(includeNested: Boolean = true): List<T>

List containing declarations with any property.

fun <T : KoPropertyProvider> List<T>.withProperties(includeNested: Boolean = true, predicate: (List<KoPropertyDeclaration>) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations with property declarations satisfying the predicate.

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fun <T : KoPropertyProvider> List<T>.withProperty(includeNested: Boolean = true, predicate: (KoPropertyDeclaration) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations that have at least one property satisfying the provided predicate.

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fun <T : KoPropertyProvider> List<T>.withPropertyNamed(names: Collection<String>, includeNested: Boolean = true): List<T>
fun <T : KoPropertyProvider> List<T>.withPropertyNamed(name: String, vararg names: String, includeNested: Boolean = true): List<T>

List containing declarations that have at least one property with the specified name(s).

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List containing declarations that are read only.

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List containing declarations with the specified receiver type.

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fun <T : KoReceiverTypeProvider> List<T>.withReceiverTypeOf(kClass: KClass<*>, vararg kClasses: KClass<*>): List<T>

List containing declarations with receiver type.

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List containing declarations that represents the type.

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fun <T : KoRepresentsTypeProvider> List<T>.withRepresentedTypeOf(kClass: KClass<*>?, vararg kClasses: KClass<*>?): List<T>

List containing declarations that represents the type.

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Filters the list by return type using the given predicate.

fun <T : KoReturnProvider> List<T>.withReturnType(predicate: (KoTypeDeclaration) -> Boolean? = null): List<T>

List containing declarations with the specified return type.

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Filters the list to include only the functions that return a type of the specified classes.

fun <T : KoReturnProvider> List<T>.withReturnTypeOf(kClass: KClass<*>, vararg kClasses: KClass<*>): List<T>

List containing declarations with return type.

fun <T : KoFunctionTypeDeclarationProvider> List<T>.withReturnTypeOf(kClass: KClass<*>, vararg kClasses: KClass<*>): List<T>

Filters the list to include only the functions that return a type of the specified class(es).

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List containing declarations with non-Unit return values, which may or may not have explicitly defined return types.

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List containing declarations that have at least one secondary constructor satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations that have secondary constructors.

List containing declarations with secondary constructor declarations satisfying the predicate.

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List containing declarations with setter.

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List containing source declarations with the specified source declaration.

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fun <T : KoSourceDeclarationProvider> List<T>.withSourceDeclarationOf(kClass: KClass<*>, vararg kClasses: KClass<*>): List<T>

List containing declarations with source declaration of.

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fun <T : KoSourceSetProvider> List<T>.withSourceSet(name: String, vararg names: String): List<T>

List containing declarations with source set.

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fun <T : KoSourceTypeProvider> List<T>.withSourceType(name: String, vararg names: String): List<T>

List containing declarations with source type.

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fun <T : KoSourceTypeProvider> List<T>.withSourceTypeOf(kClass: KClass<*>, vararg kClasses: KClass<*>): List<T>

List containing declarations with source type of.

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List containing the star projection declarations.

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fun <T : KoTacitTypeProvider> List<T>.withTacitType(type: String, vararg types: String): List<T>

List containing declarations with tacit type.

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fun <T : KoTacitTypeProvider> List<T>.withTacitTypeOf(kClass: KClass<*>, vararg kClasses: KClass<*>): List<T>

List containing declarations with tacit type.

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fun <T : KoTestClassProvider> List<T>.withTestClass(testPropertyName: String = "sut", moduleName: String? = null, sourceSetName: String? = null): List<T>

List containing declarations with a test.

fun <T : KoTestClassProvider> List<T>.withTestClass(moduleName: String? = null, sourceSetName: String? = null, predicate: (KoClassDeclaration) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations with a test matching the predicate.

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fun <T : KoTextProvider> List<T>.withText(vararg texts: String): List<T>

List containing declarations with text.

fun <T : KoTextProvider> List<T>.withText(predicate: (String) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations that have a text matching the provided predicate.

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fun <T : KoTextProvider> List<T>.withTextContaining(text: String, vararg texts: String): List<T>

List containing declarations with text containing any of the specified String.

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fun <T : KoTextProvider> List<T>.withTextEndingWith(suffix: String, vararg suffixes: String): List<T>

List containing declarations with text with any of the specified suffix.

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fun <T : KoTextProvider> List<T>.withTextMatching(regex: Regex, vararg regexes: Regex): List<T>

List containing declarations with text matching any of the specified regex.

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fun <T : KoTextProvider> List<T>.withTextStartingWith(prefix: String, vararg prefixes: String): List<T>

List containing declarations with text with any of the specified prefix.

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List containing the top level declarations.

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fun <T : KoNullableTypeProvider> List<T>.withType(predicate: (KoTypeDeclaration) -> Boolean? = null): List<T>

List containing declarations with the specified type.

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List containing declarations that have at least one type alias satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations with the specified type alias declaration.

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List containing declarations with any type alias.

List containing declarations with type alias declarations satisfying the predicate.

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fun <T : KoTypeAliasProvider> List<T>.withTypeAliasNamed(name: String, vararg names: String): List<T>

List containing declarations that have at least one type alias with the specified name(s).

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List containing declarations that have at least one type argument satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations that have at least one type argument with the specified name(s).

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List containing declarations with any type argument.

List containing declarations with type argument declarations satisfying the predicate.

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fun <T : KoNonNullableTypeProvider> List<T>.withTypeOf(kClass: KClass<*>, vararg kClasses: KClass<*>): List<T>
fun <T : KoNullableTypeProvider> List<T>.withTypeOf(kClass: KClass<*>, vararg kClasses: KClass<*>): List<T>

List containing declarations with type of.

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List containing declarations that have at least one type parameter satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations with the specified type parameter declaration.

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List containing declarations that have at least one type parameter with the specified name(s).

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List containing declarations with any type parameter.

List containing declarations with type parameter declarations satisfying the predicate.

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List containing declarations that have at least one upper bound satisfying the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations that have at least one upper bound with the specified name(s).

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List containing declarations with any upper bound.

List containing declarations with upper bound declarations satisfying the predicate.

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List containing declarations with val keyword.

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fun <T : KoValueProvider> List<T>.withValue(vararg values: String): List<T>

List containing elements with value.

fun <T : KoValueProvider> List<T>.withValue(predicate: (String) -> Boolean): List<T>

List containing declarations that have a value matching the provided predicate.

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List containing declarations with var keyword.

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List containing declarations that have at least one variable satisfying the provided predicate.

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fun <T : KoVariableProvider> List<T>.withVariableNamed(name: String, vararg names: String): List<T>

List containing declarations that have at least one variable with the specified name(s).

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List containing declarations with any variable.

List containing declarations with variable declarations satisfying the predicate.

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List containing declarations with a wildcard.